Our Partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain

Carbon Neutral Britain

Looking after the planet is at the heart of what we do at DeliveryApp, and we’re extremely proud to be a Certified Carbon Neutral Business, which means all our deliveries are carbon neutral.

We measure and calculate the carbon emissions incurred both in the general running of our business, and for every delivery made through us, then reduce an equivalent volume of emissions of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. We do this through investment in carbon reduction programmes, facilitated through our partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain.

Carbon Reduction Programmes

Through our partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain we have invested in a range of carbon reduction programmes that cover:

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Renewable Energy Wind Turbines
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Biomass Power

Please visit Carbon Neutral Britain to find out moreArrow Icon

Yorkshire Woodland Management

Renewable Energy Wind Turbines

Carbon Neutral Britain only support projects based on their direct and indirect impact around the world. In addition to ensuring the projects are certified to the highest standards through the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) and Certified Emission Reductions (CER) programmes, they look to fund projects in the developing world that help provide education, employment, clean water, energy and a positive impact on the local wildlife and ecology.


In their biomass and soil, forests are powerful carbon storehouses. Protection prevents emissions from deforestation, shields that carbon, and enables ongoing carbon sequestration.

In 2015, there were an estimated three trillion trees in the world. More than 15 billion trees are cut down each year. Since humans began farming, the number of trees on earth has fallen by 46 percent. Carbon emissions from deforestation and associated land use change are estimated to be 10 to 15 percent of the world’s total.

The benefits of forest conservation include biodiversity protection, non-timber products, erosion control, pollination, ecotourism and other ecosystem services.

Biomass Power

Biomass feedstock such as rice husk can replace fossil fuels for generating heat and electricity. Biomass energy is a “bridge” solution—one that can help the world transition from fossil-fuel power to 100 percent clean, renewable energy.

Carbon-rich biomass can be harvested to produce heat, create steam for electricity production, or be processed into oil or gas. Doing so trades in carbon that is already in circulation, cycling from atmosphere to plants and back again. Biomass energy is a true solution only if it uses appropriate feedstock, such as waste from mills and agriculture or sustainably grown perennial crops.

DeliveryApp are currently investing in


Our Partnership with Ecologi

We’re continuing to raise the environmental bar in our industry through our support of climate action projects, like planting one tree for every completed delivery, facilitated through our partnership with Ecologi.

Find out more