Same-Day Florist Courier Services

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ASAP and scheduled deliveries
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No commitment or contract
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Real time live tracking
same day florist courier services

Delivery vehicles

DeliveryApp has a range of delivery vehicles available, able to move small items to large pallets, for same-day florist courier services nationwide. We also offer specialist options such as two-person and delivering to a specific room, with loading assistance, tail lifts and more… see our vehicle size guide for more information.

Interflora Floristry Trade Club and DeliveryApp

Interflora Floristry Trade Club and DeliveryApp have partnered to offer courier services to florists in peak time and beyond.

Scaleable bookings

Book online or streamline your fulfilment by integrating your existing systems with DeliveryApp via our seamless API. We can work with businesses to support them through the process.

DeliveryApp API Integration

Some of our technology partners and integrations

GoCardless Logo

The floristry industry is growing, are you?

In 2022, the market size of the floristry industry in the UK was over £850 million. The Financial Times predicted that flowers are quickly becoming more of an everyday treat rather than a special occasion gift. Keep up with growing demand with scaleable same-day florist courier services from DeliveryApp.

DeliveryApp News

Still have questions?

Our sales team are available to talk you through the platform, give you a live demo and answer any questions you might have.

Call them on 0345 066 0100
Mon – Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm, Sat – Sun Closed

Ready to get started?

Great news! You can book online in minutes, call our booking team on 0161 884 0250 or click below to get a FREE instant quote.